"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
A quote from Cassius in the great Julius Caesar play of W. Shakespeare reminds me of what I could say to Gloria’s close allies, and I quote, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings." Cassius, a nobleman, spoke to Brutus in that play and persuades him that in the best interests of the public, Julius Caesar must be stopped from becoming monarch of Rome. Brutus is aware of Caesar's intentions. He is torn between his love to his friend Caesar but felt compelled about his duty to the Republic. This has been interpreted to mean that fate is not what drives men to their decisions and actions, but rather the human condition.
I would not disagree when the public that Gloria has done enough damage to the government and its Filipino people. Most importantly, I cannot throw my cards agreeing that she relegate her government through the mob psychology-manipulating ploy of the oppositions and other gang of individuals masquerading as patriots.
Wake up countrymen, the only way to put to stop the vicious cycle of marching toward the street when we become discontent is when we start honoring our law. Our constitution must start getting its respect. We cannot just allow Gloria to ignore the suffering of our poor nation.
Let us be wise. Be a responsible electorate. We should all stop using the starving, already heated masses to represent your vested intentions. And when we are back to our senses, please, just please, stop her from acquiring another legislative immunity. What must drive the Filipino people and legislators must not be anyone’s fate but the human condition of the Filipino people.
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