I wish I could be wiser, I wish I could be older.
I just celebrated my birthday. I would try to do a quick précis of what have come to light since the day I start knowing the difference between right and wrong. I must say that I am almost half way through achieving my dreams. I honestly do not expect that I can be at this point of my life.
They say that the measure of man’s success is not about money and all that, I could not agree more. Although let’s say I do not lag behind those who would wish to buy stuff they won’t need except that I am still way too far from my dreams to be capable of buying a new Corvette in days when I have the itch to spend and give my son a Lexus or get ourselves a brand new Escalade as our family truck.
Looking at what I have done to myself and others, I can’t be more condescending to look at the things behind. There is no point to itemize the accomplishments I have successfully won over my many life’s battle but thinking about how my life have changed and passed through many frustrating epoch of my uneventful life, I can’t help but smile.
I have many friends who have seen me in different ways. My usual retort is that they keep their feet on the ground and never lose the desire to win. I still have the same sad feeling when I see my friends take the other course that eventually caused their downfall. Although it was never my habit to intrude into their own private lives, not to mention let them pick from my basket of wisdom my own decisions that make them inutile, I make sure that I let them know how I feel about their potentially damaging certitude of their naïve existence.
My constant goal is to be a good example of triumph over many life’s challenges among my siblings, friends and loved ones. It will be arrogant to claim that I’ve always succeeded to keep my goal because I have been through a lot of roller-coaster rides when it comes to making stupid decisions. But that is the essence. When you fall, you always have the unwavering aspiration to be on your feet again - only this time, a lot stronger and wiser.
I can count my achievements but I am always lost in keeping an accounting of my shortcomings, including those obtuse resolutions that have troubled my already confused life. Thinking how I came out from it, my smile brings me to wander in the sea of trials and errors. I wish I could be wiser, I wish I could be older so I can have the wisdom that will not hurt myself including those I loved.
I tried not to regret the things I do but attached to my inadequate experience in life and brought by my young aggressive almost stupid disposition, I usually end up beaten. As another year adds up my age, I pray that I be given the strength to be thankful of everything I have received, including the trials that I have won. I pray that I be able to live longer enough to see my children and return to my Heavenly Father the kind of blessings He had showered me all throughout my short existence on mortal life by serving Him.
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