I hope she fell, and fell hard, you dull pathetic bitch!
Then finally – an apology and resignation! Did she actually resign or were asked to? I would have supposed Malu Fernandez learned her lessons – the hard way, I guess. She should have been properly “educated” that technology paved the way for shunning bigotry and maligning any group of individuals. This is the very reason why the term “politically correct” painted our society; I am very surprised that Malu is not aware (since she claims to be bred by the best western school and being well traveled) that all over the world, especially in the US, any slur against any group in the society could cause downfall. And so I hope she fell, and fell hard, you dull pathetic bitch!
How can she (including her so called elite friends) make fun of the already marginalized member of the social echelon when she wrote, “a funny article in my magazine column and my friends thought it was hilarious. It was humorous and quite tongue-in-cheek…” What is so funny by working hard and saving the Philippines from total economic doom so you and your other “so called” elite friends can continue their businesses to thrive in this country.
And since when “highly royalty-like upbringing” you insistently brandish in your writings taught you to make fun of “unfortunate financial deplorable condition” as you imply with being an OFW and make it appear “acerbic wit?” Malu-seriously, are you just being bitchy or oblivious to your elitist trip that you forgot you are being an idiot? Is that something your family of politicians, which you “passionately” brag, have caused you? No wonder, I am not so surprised.
If you, yes you Malu, have actually learned a thing or two about journalism, you would not write anything close to this “I obviously write for a certain target audience and if what I write offends you, just stop reading.” What are you-a moron? Did you seriously think that whatever you write is something that would be read only by your target audience so whoever read it and do no belong to your “intended” readers can go to hell?
What is Malu trying to imply by writing “If any of these people actually read anything thicker than a magazine they would find it very funny.” Dang, those OFWs are ignoramus and incapable of reading books. Malu, I gave up, you are one heck of a pathetic social disgrace.
She should have shown any sign of intelligence by learning that OFWs are either very skilled or considered as the intellectuals in the workplace. If she were just filling something in her oversized head so it would not remain empty aside from so much “air”, she would know that OFWs are very educated and highly respected in so many different parts of the world.
You see, what she writes in her columns are total contradiction of all that she wants to be. She should be a little prudent or wise with her unprecedented bragging so it will turn out convincing.
Well, I guess she was not smart as she thinks she is.
When she said, “Although it may sound elitist to you the fact is this country is built on the foundation of haves, have-nots and wannabes” I agree. Nevertheless, Malu has no right to insult and mock the OFW just because she feels pretty much different only on the basis of haves.
But then again, I do not think she belongs to the haves neither to the have-nots. She is just one obese, inadequate wannabe who drop names so that people can label her as someone she wanted to be – how pathetic is that? If social climbing would be an understatement with her case, damn, I am incapable of describing Ms. Fernandez.
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